Many thanks to Nicholas Houldsworth for initially introducing me to
the exhibition and, unintentionally, opening up a valuable space for me.
I can only express my gratitude to John O’Reilly, the managing
director of the exhibition, for the opportunities given me, as well as the
trust, belief and conviviality that comes with knowing him.
My colleague Donal O’Neill has been more than welcoming and
accommodating since my arrival at the exhibition. His openness in sharing
insights with me, and the recognisably sharp edge to his humour and
conversation, have both been greatly appreciated.
We are grateful to John Blackborow for visiting the exhibition at DĂșn
Laoghaire and for sending us his writing, ‘1916 May 17th
Elephant Island’, much utilised in what follows.
I would like to thank all of the visitors to the exhibition. I learned
much from simply listening to those that came to the exhibition with interesting
ideas, context, and previously unknown sources and avenues for new material. To
those willing to converse (especially those willing to indulge my tangents and
historical verbal meanderings) about Sir Ernest, the Endurance and all polar exploration: thank you.
Thanks, in particular, to James Grannell for his frequent visits to
the exhibition, across the seasons and many a Sunday.